June 4 update

FPC's Foster Care Ministry

June 4, 2020 Update


Thank you to all who continue to work alongside us to provide for the necessities of those in the child welfare system. Your time, dedication and resources have made a huge difference in the lives of those in need.

What is being done

As a part of the Family Support Initiative, the FPC Foster Care Ministry alongside more than 30 other churches in the North Shore and eastern Massachusetts have been providing groceries, wipes, formulas, clothing, gift cards and other necessities as needs arise for families in crisis, families who have taken on new kinship placements, and foster families under new strain.

Current Concerns

Due to COVID-19 many families are facing job losses, loss of support, contraction of the virus, welcoming children through kinship care and other crisis. 
A main concern is the amount of possible abuse being concealed during this time of global isolation, and the repercussions we may face once things start opening back up again.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for safety, grace, wisdom and protection for children and families, child welfare professionals, juvenile court justices and officials, attorneys, early interventionists, therapeutic professionals and family and child advocates and more as our state continues to take steps to reopen.
  • Pray for DCF emergency workers and ongoing workers who are entering homes and transporting kids, at times even putting their health at risk, as they pursue their mandate of protecting children.
  • Pray for intact vulnerable families (who do not have the supports and resources many of us are privileged to have) as they navigate the loss of jobs, reduction of hours, loss of schooling and child care, risk of exposure to COVID as essential workers, and more. 
  • Pray for DCF directors and managers as they balance the priority of the health of their staff with the responsibility to protect children and support families. 
  • Pray for the mental and emotional health of families. For those struggling with fear, anxiety, grief, depression, substance dependency, and more.

What can you do to help?

The Family Support Initiative continues to support our neighbors with physical needs, standing in the gap until families can be connected to more sustainable resources.  We are currently in need of: diapers, wipes, formula and gift cards, as well as people to shop online or in stores, deliver items or provide financial gifts. If you are willing to be part of this growing effort please sign up here. You will be contacted as needs arise for specific ways to help.

If you want to do something right away, any of these supplies can be delivered to Lynnette Lovasco's porch at 12 Hull st. in Beverly: 
  • Diapers (sizes 5 and 6)
  • pull-ups (all sizes)
  • Wipes
  • Formula- Similac Pro-Advance (blue) or Similac Sensitive (orange) are commonly used
  • Grocery or Target gift cards- any denomination, any local store will help immensely!

At our local church level, consider blessing a foster family by being part of a SupportOne team. This is an initiative that recruits teams of individuals and families to provide proactive, consistent, and responsive support for foster and adoptive families within a local church. Over 40 people have already joined teams actively wrapping around FPC foster families! 

Finally, as the COVID crisis continues to impact our state, the need for foster families continues to be dire.  If you have considered stepping into this vital ministry and would like to talk to someone about next steps, please reach out to start the conversation.

For more information reach out to one our contacts below.

Contact Us

Dawn Bryden (auntiedawn09@gmail.com)
Lynnette Lovasco (lovasco@comcast.net)

Don't hesitate to contact us if you want to get involved or if you have any questions!


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